Thursday, December 29, 2011

Current stats

And in the beginning there were numbers:

weight : 64kg
height :171 cm
bmi: 21.9

strength : low  4/10
mental health : lower  2/10
emotional state : controlled by zoloft 5/10

Challenges in the raw: ( This is a sucky list but Im only writing it so I can chart my progress )
Tired tired tired
over my ideal comfortable weight or fitness apearance
sore joints and muscles ( mostly shoulders )
on anti-depressants :-/
extra lumbar vertebra fused to si joint gives lower back pain
skin breakouts, uneaven and dry
scaly weak nails
lacking motivation and overall excitement
pissed off in general
major sugar crazyness
foggy brain..forget words and names of things
currently getting broken sleep max 6 hours for the last 8 months..
feel disorganised and frustrated most of the time
cant keep my bedroom clean
apathetic to the close to just not caring at all

umm..crappp...God help me!!

On the plus side, I dont have any major physical health issues, i have a loving family and support, great kids and a loving husband. room to move in my home, money when I need it food in my cupboard and a bed to lay my tired tired head!

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